Women’s Prosperity Network Event

August 30, 5p to 8p at Jubilee Banquet Facility


If you’ve ever been at your wits’ end because of the challenges that come with running a business, you will find encouragement and inspiration at this event.

Nancy Matthews

Co-founder of Women’s Prosperity Network (WPN), Nancy Matthews is a lady who “gets it!” She’s been nicknamed “The Visionary with Guts,” and after you meet her, you’ll know why.

Nancy will be speaking on Tuesday, August 30th at Jubilee Banquet Facility at an event hosted by Be Media Savvy.  Open networking with light finger foods starts at 5pm and the program begins at 6pm.

Our vision is to be a source of information and inspiration to small business owners, so that you can grow and achieve your goals.  We can’t think of a better person to keynote our first event in Knoxville than Nancy Matthews.

Ticket information is available at www.womensprosperitynetwork.com/knoxville 

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