Random thoughts captured in my journal on the first day of #ICON15 – the community of Infusionsoft users in Phoenix – March 31 through April 2.
“Consumer dollars spent with small businesses are 3x – 7x more likely to stay in the local economy.” ~ @ClateMask
“Email still dominates sales and marketing for small business. There were 5.6 billion emails sent in 2014 – that’s 10,000 emails per minute.” ~ @KyleLeavitt
“The map appears when the car is in motion. You’ll never, ever, ever, ever, never, ever have enough information to complete something worthwhile before you start.” ~ @BradMartineau
“Action breeds confidence and courage. Inaction breeds fear. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out, and get busy!” ~ Dale Carnegie
“Be brave enough to be bad at something new.” ~ @JonAcuff
I’ll tweet more updates from #ICON15 as they happen tomorrow and Thursday (or as long as the battery in my phone lasts). Follow me on Twitter or like BeMediaSavvy on Facebook.