Q: How can my web site rank higher in Google?
A: Be mobile-friendly.
BusinessNewsDaily reports:
As more and more users view websites on mobile devices, Google wants to make it easier to find relevant, mobile-optimized websites. To this end, Google will now “use mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal.” This change will take effect on April 21, and [according to Google’s blog] it “significantly impacts” search results in all languages worldwide.
The full BND article by Sara Angeles appears here:
How do I know if my web site is mobile friendly?
Google has this awesome test in its Webmasters Tools. Click here. Enter your URL, and click the “analyze” button. It’s that simple.
I just ran the test on the Be Media Savvy website, and it confirms this site is mobile friendly. (Even provided a screen shot of how it looks on a smartphone.) The analyzer also found a couple of errors that are hindering SEO performance – and provided the steps to take to make Be Media Savvy play nicely with bots and crawlers.